Intan Farah Hana & Shahrul Qayyum & Surendra Katheruelo


2:09 PM

In this 21st century where youngsters have been playing with gadgets (i.e . iphone , tablet and smartphones ) the source of entertainment have gone through a rapid interchange where those times the 90's babies only know about comics , cartoon shows , barbie dolls , yoyo and other toys . Those of the forgotten legends is the MASKED RIDER & The BIG BAD BEETLEBORG

Why is it nowadays youngsters forget about this legends. During our dinosaur time we used to wait infront of the TV sharp at 1800H Local Time just to watch this legends been played on the television.  We still can recall all the sweet memories where we try to impersonate the legends.

But things have gone upside down nowadays . Youngsters as young as 11 years old is already a Twit/ Insta Femes . There are going after popularity in social websites.

Pic above is one of example of teenager who is still young but have thousands of followers. But try ask them about Powerpuff Girls , Dragon Ball , Power Rangers or any of the legends above sure they dont know nothing about it. All they will answer is apple during our time was a fruit but know its a gadget. 

Putting it all in nutshell , these legends who have taught so much to us the value of friendship , espirit de corps , and others should be brought back to life. 

Just for gags :) 

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