Albert & Hasif & Syauhir

10 Weirdest Sea Creatures

8:28 PM

Over 71% of earth cover by ocean, there are no doubts if a lot of species has not been discover yet. Here stated a few of sea creatures that has been discover by human until nowadays and its look absolutely amazing and terrifying
1) Goblin Shark.
The goblin shark is a rare species of deep-sea shark. It is usually between 3 and 4 meters long when mature.
2) Dumbo Octopus
They are benthic creatures living at extreme depth sea and are some rarest of the Octopoda species. 
3) Narwhal
The Narwhal is an Arctic species of cetacean. It is creature that rarely found south of latitude 70o N. it is one of two species of white whale. It is related to Irrawady dolphin.
4) Blobfish
The Blobfish is a fish that inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania. Blobfish are found in depth where the pressure is several dozens of times higher than at sea level. It will swallows up any edible matters that floats in front it.
5) Yeti Crab
Kiwa Hirsuta is a crustacean discovered in March 2005 in the South Pacific Ocean. This decapod which is approximately 15 cm long is notable for the quantity of silky blond setae covering its pereiopods.
6) Giants Isopod
The Giants Isopods are like massive sea woodlice and found at depth of up to 2000 metres. They can grow to around 30 cm long and mainly scavengers but have also been known to catch live prey.
7) Japanese Spider Crab
This arthropod can reach heights of 4 meter tall and weigh up to 42 pounds, all while moving like a spider-yikes. The crabs are only found in the waters off the island of Honshu.
8) Glaucus Atlanticus

Called the “blue dragon”, this fantastical creature is actually a one inch long sea slug. Commonly found at East and South Coast of South Africa and Australia. Beware the powerful sting of this beast!
9) Red-Lipped Batfish

Batfish are found in water around the Galapagos Islands, but are terrible swimmers. Instead, the fish have learned to walk the ocean floor on their fins.
10) Frilled Shark
In the waters of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans this prehistoric beasts boasts 300 trident-shaped teeth, aligned in 25 rows to rip through any prey. Scientist believe that the Frilled Shark breaks the record for gestation periods amongs sharks, taking 3 and a half year to give birth.

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