Deva & Mahen & Vishnu


9:15 PM


Every year on 16 May, the whole Malaysia celebrates Teacher’s day as an appreciation to all teachers and lecturers. Schools and education institutes will celebrate as a form of thank you to all that in their life serve in educating children to become world leaders one day.

I Want To Be Like You

Thank you, teacher,
for being my life's role model.
When I consider all you've taught me
and reflect on the kind of person you are,
I want to be like you—
smart, interesting and engaging,
positive, confident, yet unpretentious.
I want to be like you—
well-informed and easy to understand,
thinking with your heart as well as your head,
gently nudging us to do our best,
with sensitivity and insight.
I want to be like you—
giving your time, energy and talent
to ensure the brightest possible future
for each of us.
Thank you, teacher
For giving me a goal to shoot for:
I want to be like you!

I'll Remember You Always

Rarely does someone
get to influence a person's life
in a positive way
for a lifetime,
as a teacher can,
fostering optimism and confidence,
providing knowledge that leads to success,
and being a good role model,
as you have,
and you are,
and you will...
I'll remember you always.
Thank you.

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