Zaim & Zulhilmi & Zulkhusni

8 Technology That Will Change Your Daily Life

4:19 PM

Its well known that technology nowadays grows exponentially and give high impact to our daily life. Elon Musk, ex co-founder Paypal which is now the founder of  Tesla-based technology company and also founder of SpaceX, which will bring humans to Mars, is also actively introducing new technologies for his company this year, that is Tesla Powerwall. Technology is increasingly integrated with the people daily life, but the question is to what extent it will change our life?

This is 8 technology that already change our lives:

1. Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is a product that connects to the internet. These include refrigerators, thermostats and electronic toothbrush. These tools will collect data usage and adjust according to your habits of use. When these products are able to communicate with each other and change the condition of the house according to your situation, you can call your house a smart house.

IoT started to be popular because of share purchases Nest Labs, manufacturer of smart thermostat, worth USD $ 3.2 billion by Google Inc.

2. Driverless Car

With the internet of things also comes automotive electronics and farther down the road, completely autonomous cars. Next year, auto makers will continue to integrate new technologies into vehicles, particular;y among dashboard screens.

Google announced it has built a fully functional driveless car that will likely hit the streets of Silicon Valley in early 2015. Of course, there are number of legal hurdles that must be cleared before autonomous driving is the norm.

3. Robot and drone

Started from last year, U.S Federal Aviation Administration give permission for the companies to use drone technology for commercial purposes including Hollywood filming studio. This causes massive increase of the user and the production of this drone. Nowadays many industry started to use drone such as AMAZON which are now waiting for approval to use thousands of drones as shipping agent from the store directly to the buyer.

4. Wearables

On April 24, Apple had launched their smart watch officially for Apple user. This Apple Watch not just can tell you time but it also can pickup a call, collect your health data and many more.

5. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is a technology that helps improve life through visual reality. Among the most popular technology in development is Google Glass and Microsoft Hololens. Sony has started selling pre-order SmartEyeGlass in February 2015.

You can watch more about Microsoft Hololens here.

6. Virtual Reality

Facebook bought virtual reality headset maker Oculus in March for $2 billion, betting that virtual reality becomes the future of communication and entertainment. Zuckerberg believes virtual reality will one day stretch beyond entertainment. He envisions a future where students learn in virtual classrooms or doctor’s check up on patients through virtual meeting places with the help of complex sensors.

Meanwhile, Sony, Google and Samsung have all expressed interest in conjoining with Hollywood to make virtual reality a, well, reality. New Deal Studios and other boutique movie studios have recently started to develop 360-degree films designed specifically for virtual reality headsets.

7. 3D Printing

The ability to print out real-world in-demand objects will become even easier and more applicable in 2015. Just last week, an astronaut on the International Space Station used a 3-D printer to make a socket wrench in space, which marked a major step forward for the potential of interstellar manufacturing that is both more affordable and less time consuming.

Made in Space, the company that built the zero-gravity 3-D printer, plans to launch a larger commercial printer in 2015. The European Space Agency has also said it plans to launch its own 3-D printer as well.

8. Mobile

One of the most practical trends of 2015 will be the continued rise of mobile. This past year marked the first time ever people spent more time on their phones than their PCs, and the first time more people browsed retail sites on phones rather than on PCs.

Mobile payments will likely continue to advance in 2015 with the help of Apple Pay. Apple Pay saw its share of mobile payments jump to 1.7% from zero in its first six weeks on the market. Further adoption is expected to amplify in 2015, particularly once PayPal gets fresh legs following a spinoff from eBay Inc., more Apple users upgrade to Apple Pay-compatible smartphones and small merchants adopt Square Up at the register.

Credit to : http://thevocket.com/8-teknologi-yang-mengubah-kehidupan/

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