Azizi & Fadhli & Syed

Because land was too mainstream

9:27 PM

Aidilfitri 2014 was a different one from the previous year because this my first time I celebrated the festival onboard ship which I bet most of us too. It would be a lie if I said that I wasn't sad. My ship was at Indian Ocean en route India from Malaysia to discharge palm oil. Lady luck smiled to us as we were at sea during that time because if you are in port, there goes your Aidilfitri.

Since this was my first time celebrating it away from my family, I had difficulties to concentrate on myduties on bridge and my third officer noticed that. He asked me to call my family and I did. After theconversation, I feel relieved and manage to concentrate on my duties after all. One thing that makes me very disappointed was not being able to help the other ship's officer and crew to prepare for tomorrow's big day . 

Although it was a very simple celebration , but it was very meaningful to all ship staff. I have to be very grateful as there were many crew that did not celebrate this festival with their familes for almost 5 consecutive years. My chief cook did a very good job because the food served on the morning such as the evergreen ketupat and rendang was fabulous. From here I can see that a good teamwork makes all job easy. Before eating session begins, there is a forgive and forget session .

After eating, all ship staff went to the bridge to take pictures . People said, pictures speaks louder than words and it is true indeed and that's it !

Time files , memories don't
-MT Bunga Alamanda 2014-

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