Zaim & Zulhilmi & Zulkhusni

I Am Apple User

11:24 PM

Apple product are said to be one of the most expensive reliable and advance in current generations. Generaly their produces are design in such away when u say it for the first time the apperance of the model will stimulate your intention to own it. In term of protection of the system or software of the apple produce, we can surely admit their quality is in a different level compare to other produce currently in available market. In addition, the programs or software provided by the apple product are really  modern and advance.

Due to increased competition, Apple's iPhone is less synonymous with the term "smartphone" than it was in earlier years. While the iPhone is being challenged by other brands, such as Android and Samsung, it's still the go to phone for many users. The iPhone offers a sleek design, is user friendly.

Apple's iPad is far more than a cool looking gadget. It's a full fledged business tool, able to increase your productivity and help you work more flexibly. With more and more businesses adopting the iPad, and with new business focused apps released every week, organizations risk missing out if they don't consider the benefits the iPad can bring.

iPod include huge storage capacities, an intuitive interface, and total control over various forms of media. Apple sells four types of iPod: the shuffle, the nano, the classic, and the touch. The shuffle and nano are the Lilliputians of the bunch, their combined weight is about an ounce but both carry plenty of clever advantages. The classic and touch carry some of the more complex advantages, but they are still small enough to fit inside the front pocket of a pair of skinny pants.

Apple MacBook is the whole package, the software and hardware, has been developed and made by Apple. Windows programmers have to develop software for a multitude of hardware variations which results in a less stable platform where Apple software is designed specifically for the Apple hardware that will be running it.

Lastly, i watch has a barometer plus accelerometer, so that it can detect motion (steps) and elevation for accurate tracking. A tiny vibration that you can feel on your wrist, with different types of feedback for different functions. The sapphire crystal screen is very resilient and much harder than any glass or screen protector. Uses a magnetic, snap-on charger that doesn’t compromise on water resistance just place the watch on charger surface. It can feel both a simple touch as well as pressure. You can perform different actions on the watch by light swiping and by pressuring down on the screen. Available in 38mm and 42mm stainless steel cases (in your choice of strap and polished or space black)

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