Azizi & Fadhli & Syed

MEMES !!!!!

12:19 PM

What is a meme ? To put it short , it's a description of everyday life explained in a statement or a cartoon . Why am I writing about it ? Here's why .

MySpace. Friendster. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Snapchat. WeChat . Those are the social platform where most of s use to connect with people AROUND us ! Most of the people I knew only approves or follow those who are close to them because it basically showing your private life to the world (some b*tch use it to promote themselves to others because they're freaking narcissist , and they just don't want to admit it) . But a few years , a meme based web emerge to start a whole new kind of world , a web just to fill everyone's day with laughter and now , with information .

One of the most famous web are 9gag , and to be honest , I'm a 9gagger myself  Correction , a true 9gagger . I love it because it's freaking hilarious . It explains my problems in life in simple term , and proving I'm not alone to face that problem . I learn a lot about current affairs through it . I learned about the Russian invasion on Ukraine through it , I learn the geography of the world and even history . I'm ADDICTED to 9gag to the point where I need it when I go the toilet .

These are a few of those memes . Some of you might understand it , some may not . To those who don't , well , sucks to be you .

Some us it teach morons who think they're smart enough to show their stupidity to the public

And hopefully , something that you can relate to your everyday dilemma


Geography lesson

Woman and their madness

And the list go on :)

Try go to the website . It's not just a stupid good for nothing web . Look through the comments . Look on how to think outside the box . Learn . Don't just conform to society . Learn , and expand your mind :)

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