Intan Farah Hana & Shahrul Qayyum & Surendra Katheruelo


8:06 PM

SMOKING ! I started smoking when I was 11 years old. Yeah i know what you're thinking . But i am not here to boast about it . Some of my friends started even earlier . Sometimes sitting alone while smoking I've been thinking why did i start smoking. But speaking frankly smoking have its own pros and cons .

okay . first of all , rewinding back my childhood memories i started smoking because my friends are smoking . And then , when I start to smoke my friend asked me for lighter . Even people i don know till today come and ask lighter from me. What i can see from here i gain more friends hahah. This May sound ridiculous but when i smoke i noticed that no mosquitoes dare to come near . so i saved my money on mosquito spray .

talking about the cons , the cigarette shortens the life of people. Besides that , the cigarette have so many chemicals in it ( until now idk why they use that type of chemical ) . Smoking also had been the main cause to lung cancer and so on . Most worst people around you who inhale your smoke also affected.

Putting it all in a nutshell , do not smoke . Although t looks cool outside , it kills inside . Keep your money for something greater purpose for example for the Muslims (performing the Haj ) , or for others in your own way . Dont regret like me , better turn back when you could cause one you dont turn back its too late .

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