Azizi & Fadhli & Syed


9:21 PM

All of us have a mentor . Me , I have quite a number or individuals who I followed in order push myself forward  I do not have a single individual as my sole mentor because everyone have their perks and weakness . Just like Bill Gates , who hire multiple experts to solve his problems , I choose multitple individuals , gather the traits  that makes the great , and use it to make myself a better person .

Financially , I follow the way of Robert T. Kiyosaki , his explanation on financial problems and ways to escape being dependent to salary are simple and it's something that I understand even at the age of 10 . On being a good father , there's no one else other than my own father . His strict way of bringing me up as his eldest son who will carry the name of 'Syed' have shaped me to be someone who took pride in everything I do , his countless punishment and restriction on money have taught me a sense of respect to everyone and a deep feeling a respect to the value of money . In leadership , it is Tun Dr. Mahathir . He execute his plan ruthlessly to the point where he was labeled as a dictator because he knows no one can see his vision of the future . He knows what need to be done , and he did it for the sake of our country . He goes against United States and United Kingdom because he knows what is right and wrong and being a leader of a 3rd world country doesn't stop him from giving his opinion on them .

But my mentor who I really wanted to write about is my English lecturer , and my debate trainer , Mr. SAM . When I first enter his class during my junior year , he gave a strong impression to me with his confidence , his command in English , and the fact that he use words which some of us (most , actually) would see it as something that should be used by a teacher . Most of my classmates where scared of him , but he piqued my interest . This is the first time I'm having a teacher who would say what he wants no matter what the consequences , and I'm excited .
When I joined the debate club , I was quite surprised to see him there as the club advisor . Well , I really love debate so I don't really give a damn on whoever gonna train me as long as he's good . And Mr. SAM are really good . As time goes on , he mold me into a debater with quite a good command in English . But what really made me took him as someone who I wanted to follow is because the value that he taught me . He opened my eyes on the danger of conformity . A lot of people don't know it and most of us are trap in it even without us knowing about it . But conformity are one of the major reason why most of us can't spread our wings and achieve greatness . The fear of going against the norm scared us to the point where we just go with the flow . We're so scared on what people will say if we things differently but we forgot that all great individuals NEVER follow what people say . They took the road less traveled , they face all the critics , some were accused to be mad , and yet they prove them wrong . And we can't achieve because of conformity . And if Mr. SAM didn't open my eyes , I would have stuck with the flow , and just proceed with whatever people wanted me to do .
He taught me the burden of choice . And at the end of the day , whatever that we do , we must take responsibility of it . Stop blaming anyone else . Because it's our choice . No matter what happen , we do have a choice . He taught me to stop giving excuses and give the 'I have no choice' excuses because we chose to do it . And the fact that we can make a choice , and knowing that we have that power , that is all that matter . That have become my core value to this day . That what keeps my mind free from being subjected to other people demands , that what keeps me from being an object to be used by an organization , no matter which is it . And being a debater helps me to see things from different point of view from everyone else , and that ability increase the number of choice that I can make . I observe how he solve his problems , the way he teaches . I saw his passion and his love for education and teaching whenever he gave lectures in my class . It's very rare to see a teacher to give their all in teaching their students . Most of them nowadays only cares about the salary that they will get from their career . They forgot the main reason why students respect teachers . And due to  that , they lose the support from their students and failed to show their students why they need to study . Mr. SAM did it because he loves teaching . He didn't do it because if he did , he didn't need to spend the extra hours coming to this institution at night just to train us to debate . He didn't need to try and encourage the cadets to participate in his class , he didn't need to push us to speak up .

To be honest , I'm quite good in psychology . Not the point where I can tell what's troubling you just by observing you . But I can manipulate people psychologically and I can stand on my own feet in any mental games played by anyone . And I took pride in myself because no one ever did outsmarted me and playing with my mind and emotions . And this freaking guy did it . I didn't even realised I was in one of his game till he got what he wanted me to do . But I love it . I see him as my rival . I set myself to read his game , read his movement in everything to break whatever moves he tried to make . He might not playing any of his cards but it makes every moment that  I spend in the same room with him is the time where my brain works overtime . It was exhausting , but it was fun as hell . Some of you might see it as a sick and evil way to control people , but trust me , your mom are doing or did the same thing towards you . Think back , and try to read what she did :)

I don't know wether he will find this blog or not , it doesn't really matter , I hope he can maintained the passion that encouraged me to be someone better . I hope he can find back his rhythm because ever since I got back from sea , I didn't find the old fire that I saw in his eyes . I know he have other responsibility now , but we need him back . He became an inspiration to me and I know more will have the same opinion as I do . No matter what happen , Ethos and I will always have your back , no matter what the consequences .

This was him , training us to be the convocation's MC . AS you can see , he's not quite right in the head , which is fantastic !

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