Intan Farah Hana & Shahrul Qayyum & Surendra Katheruelo


6:34 PM

Have you done your Prayer?

How many of you always perform prayer at the end of time? Or you guys perform well in your prayers which is always done at the beginning of time? If always done at the beginning, Alhamdulillah!!!  It's good! Please keep that effort. 

To be honest,  sometimes I performed prayer at the end of time because of busy to finished my work. I know this is wrong. As a good Muslim we need to give priority to His command. Then our life is blessed by Him. 

So, I try to figure out how to overcome this problem. Thankfully, I found a way to overcome this problem which the idea was came out by Kamiliaharun on fb.

We need to label on which stage do we done our prayer. Is it right on time or is it at the end of time? This idea was a good initiative for us to keep performing our prayers on track. Apart from being istiqamah (continuously doing it) it also able to increase our Iman as we can monitor how does our prayers performed for whole month. 

Every time we get an orange tag, we have to fine ourselves. Whether give alms, helps the needed, give greetings, fasting or any kind of kindness. 

Well, hopefully this small initiative can help us to improve ourselves to become good Muslim. InshaaAllah :)

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